>&2echo -E - "${(%):-[%1FERROR%f]: When using instant prompt, Powerlevel10k must be loaded before the first prompt.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: Change the way Powerlevel10k is loaded from %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}"
if(( _p9k_term_has_href ));then
>&2echo - "${(%):- See \e]8;;https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#installation\ahttps://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#installation\e]8;;\a.}"
>&2echo - "${(%):- See https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#installation.}"
if(( $+functins[zplugin]));then
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: If using %2Fzplugin%f to load %3F'romkatv/powerlevel10k'%f, %Bdo not apply%b %1Fice wait%f.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- - Do nothing.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill%b see this error message every time you start zsh.}"
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):-[%1FERROR%f]: When using instant prompt, Powerlevel10k must be loaded before the first prompt.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: Change the way Powerlevel10k is loaded from %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}"
if(( _p9k_term_has_href ));then
>&2echo - "${(%):- See \e]8;;https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#installation\ahttps://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#installation\e]8;;\a.}"
>&2echo - "${(%):- See https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#installation.}"
if(( $+zsh_defer_options ));then
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: Do not use %1Fzsh-defer%f to load %Upowerlevel10k.zsh-theme%u.}"
elif(( $+functins[zinit]));then
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: If using %2Fzinit%f to load %3F'romkatv/powerlevel10k'%f, %Bdo not apply%b %1Fice wait%f.}"
elif(( $+functins[zplugin]));then
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: If using %2Fzplugin%f to load %3F'romkatv/powerlevel10k'%f, %Bdo not apply%b %1Fice wait%f.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b.}"
>&2echo -E - ""
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
>&2echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"