More Documentation.

Dominik Ritter 9 years ago
parent 966bf5fe74
commit e97c216c7b

@ -76,34 +76,14 @@ this theme:
#### Install Powerlevel9k
To install this theme, clone this repository into your Oh-My-Zsh `custom/themes`
$ cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom
$ git clone themes/powerlevel9k
##### With plain ZSH
You then need to select this theme in your `~/.zshrc`:
If you use just a plain ZSH, just clone this repository and reference it in your `~/.zshrc`:
#### Install Powerline Fonts for Normal Configuration
You can find the [installation instructions for Powerline Fonts here]
You can also find the raw font files [in this Github
repository]( if you want to manually install
them for your OS.
After you have installed Powerline fonts, make the default font in your terminal
emulator the Powerline font you want to use.
This is the default mode for `Powerlevel9k`, and no further configuration is
#### Install Powerlevel9k
$ git clone
$ echo 'source powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme' >> ~/.zshrc
##### Within Oh-my-ZSH
##### With Oh-my-ZSH
To install this theme, clone this repository into your [Oh-my-Zsh]( `custom/themes`
@ -128,6 +108,27 @@ You then need to select this theme in your `~/.zpreztorc`:
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'powerlevel9k'
##### With antigen
If you prefer [antigen](, just add it to your `~/.zshrc`:
$ echo 'antigen theme /vagrant_data powerlevel9k' >> ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'antigen apply' >> ~/.zshrc
#### Install Powerline Fonts for Normal Configuration
You can find the [installation instructions for Powerline Fonts here]
You can also find the raw font files [in this Github
repository]( if you want to manually install
them for your OS.
After you have installed Powerline fonts, make the default font in your terminal
emulator the Powerline font you want to use.
This is the default mode for `Powerlevel9k`, and no further configuration is
#### Alternative Configuration: Über
Alternatively, you can install [Awesome Powerline
