@ -697,14 +697,11 @@ prompt_custom() {
local segment_name="${3:u}"
local segment_name="${3:u}"
# Get content of custom segment
# Get content of custom segment
local command="POWERLEVEL9K_CUSTOM_${segment_name}"
local command="POWERLEVEL9K_CUSTOM_${segment_name}"
local segment_content="$(eval ${(P)command})"
local -a cmd=("${(@Q)${(z)${(P):-POWERLEVEL9K_CUSTOM_${segment_name}}}}")
# Note: this would be a better implementation. I'm keeping the old one in case anyone
whence $cmd[1] &>/dev/null || return
# relies on its quirks.
local content=$("$cmd[@]")
# local segment_content=$("${(@Q)${(z)${(P)command}}}")
[[ -n $content ]] || return
"$1_prompt_segment" "${0}_${3:u}" "$2" $DEFAULT_COLOR_INVERTED $DEFAULT_COLOR "CUSTOM_${segment_name}_ICON" 0 '' "$content"
if [[ -n $segment_content ]]; then
"$1_prompt_segment" "${0}_${3:u}" "$2" $DEFAULT_COLOR_INVERTED $DEFAULT_COLOR "CUSTOM_${segment_name}_ICON" 0 '' "$segment_content"