@ -7722,9 +7722,13 @@ _p9k_init_vcs() {
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Git prompt will be %Bfast%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Git prompt will be %Bfast%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Compile %Bgitstatusd%b and set %BGITSTATUS_DAEMON=/path/to/gitstatusd%b at}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Compile %Bgitstatusd%b by following these instructions:}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- the bottom of %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b. See instructions at}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/blob/master/README.md#compiling.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/blob/master/README.md#compiling}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- Place the compiled binary in this directory:}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %B${(D)gitstatus_dir//\%/%%}/usrbin/%b}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Git prompt will be %Bfast%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Git prompt will be %Bfast%b.}"