support true color
In order to use true color with Powerlevel10k you need ZSH >= 5.7 and a terminal that supports true color. Here's how you can check whether you are covered. if autoload -U is-at-least && is-at-least 5.7; then echo "ZSH $ZSH_VERSION: supports true color" else echo "ZSH $ZSH_VERSION: does not support true color" fi if [[ $COLORTERM == (24bit|truecolor) || ${terminfo[colors]} -eq 16777216 ]]; then echo "Terminal supports true color" else echo "Terminal does not support true color" fi To use true color with Powerlevel10k, use `#ffffff` format when specifying colors. POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FOREGROUND='red' # by name (type `getColorCode foreground` to list all) POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_BACKGROUND='001' # by decimal code (usually 001 to 256) POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_BACKGROUND='#ff0000' # by hex code (#000000 to #ffffff) In order to be able to use the same configuration from a terminal without true color support, add this to your ~/.zshrc: if [[ $COLORTERM != (24bit|truecolor) && ${terminfo[colors]} -ne 16777216 ]]; then zmodload zsh/nearcolor fi When using a true color terminal, `#ffffff` will render as true color. When on an older terminal, it'll render as the closest available color. Neat! Fixes #62.pull/70/head
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