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Check Free Space PS Script

Check Free Space is a PowerShell script that allows AD Admins to check the used/max HDD space on all drives on a remote PC on the domain.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • PowerShell with the ActiveDirectory module installed (Windows only).
  • Proper permissions granted by your Admin.

Using Check Free Space

To use Check Free Space, follow these steps:

  1. Place the check-free-space folder at a location of your choosing
  2. Open the script in a notepad program
  3. Replace $hostname with the hostname of the target PC
  4. Save the file
  5. Run the script in PowerShell
  6. The results will be printed out in the terminal


Moving forward, future PowerShell versions no longer support Get-WmiObject. So if all of a sudden you see the error message like “RPC Server is unavailable”, its probably time to switch over to Get-CimInstance instead. The parameters are the same for Win32_LogicalDisk. Simply replace Get-WmiObject with Get-CimInstance and you are good to go.