# vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf-8 ################################################################ # Powerlevel10k Theme # https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k # # Forked from Powerlevel9k Theme # https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k # # Which in turn was forked from Agnoster Theme # https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/74177c5320b2a1b2f8c4c695c05984b57fd7c6ea/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme ################################################################ # Temporarily change options. 'builtin' 'local' '-a' '__p9k_src_opts' [[ ! -o 'aliases' ]] || __p9k_src_opts+=('aliases') [[ ! -o 'sh_glob' ]] || __p9k_src_opts+=('sh_glob') [[ ! -o 'no_brace_expand' ]] || __p9k_src_opts+=('no_brace_expand') 'builtin' 'setopt' 'no_aliases' 'no_sh_glob' 'brace_expand' (( $+__p9k_root_dir )) || typeset -gr __p9k_root_dir=${POWERLEVEL9K_INSTALLATION_DIR:-${${(%):-%x}:A:h}} (( $+__p9k_intro )) || { # Note: leading spaces before `local` are important. Otherwise Antigen will remove `local` (!!!). typeset -gr __p9k_intro='emulate -L zsh -o no_hist_expand -o extended_glob -o no_prompt_bang -o prompt_percent -o no_prompt_subst -o no_aliases -o no_bg_nice -o typeset_silent local -a match mbegin mend reply local -i MBEGIN MEND OPTIND local MATCH REPLY OPTARG IFS=$'\'' \t\n\0'\'' [[ -z $_p9k__locale ]] || local LC_ALL=$_p9k__locale' # The same as above but without `local -a reply` and `local REPLY`. typeset -gr __p9k_intro_no_reply='emulate -L zsh -o no_hist_expand -o extended_glob -o no_prompt_bang -o prompt_percent -o no_prompt_subst -o no_aliases -o no_bg_nice -o typeset_silent local -a match mbegin mend local -i MBEGIN MEND OPTIND local REPLY OPTARG IFS=$'\'' \t\n\0'\'' [[ -z $_p9k__locale ]] || local LC_ALL=$_p9k__locale' } () { eval "$__p9k_intro" if (( $+__p9k_sourced )); then (( $+functions[_p9k_setup] )) && _p9k_setup return 0 fi typeset -gr __p9k_dump_file=${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-~/.cache}/p10k-dump-${(%):-%n}.zsh if [[ $__p9k_dump_file != $__p9k_instant_prompt_dump_file ]] && (( ! $+functions[_p9k_preinit] )) && source $__p9k_dump_file 2>/dev/null && (( $+functions[_p9k_preinit] )); then _p9k_preinit fi typeset -gr __p9k_sourced=6 if [[ -w $__p9k_root_dir && -w $__p9k_root_dir/internal && -w $__p9k_root_dir/gitstatus && ${(%):-%#} == % ]]; then local f for f in $__p9k_root_dir/{powerlevel9k.zsh-theme,powerlevel10k.zsh-theme,internal/p10k.zsh,internal/icons.zsh,internal/configure.zsh,internal/worker.zsh,internal/parser.zsh,gitstatus/gitstatus.plugin.zsh}; do [[ $f.zwc -nt $f ]] || zcompile -R $f done fi source $__p9k_root_dir/internal/p10k.zsh || true } unsetopt local_options (( $+__p9k_instant_prompt_active )) && unsetopt prompt_cr prompt_sp || setopt prompt_cr prompt_sp (( ${#__p9k_src_opts} )) && setopt ${__p9k_src_opts[@]} 'builtin' 'unset' '__p9k_src_opts'