#!/usr/bin/env zsh #vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf-8 # Required for shunit2 to run correctly setopt shwordsplit SHUNIT_PARENT=$0 function setUp() { # Store old value for LC_CTYPE _OLD_LC_CTYPE="${LC_CTYPE}" # Reset actual LC_CTYPE unset LC_CTYPE } function tearDown() { # Restore LC_CTYPE LC_CTYPE="${_OLD_LC_CTYPE}" } function testLcCtypeIsSetCorrectlyInDefaultMode() { local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="default" # Load Powerlevel9k source functions/icons.zsh assertEquals 'en_US.UTF-8' "${LC_CTYPE}" } function testLcCtypeIsSetCorrectlyInAwesomePatchedMode() { local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-patched" # Load Powerlevel9k source functions/icons.zsh assertEquals 'en_US.UTF-8' "${LC_CTYPE}" } function testLcCtypeIsSetCorrectlyInAwesomeFontconfigMode() { local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-fontconfig" # Load Powerlevel9k source functions/icons.zsh assertEquals 'en_US.UTF-8' "${LC_CTYPE}" } function testLcCtypeIsSetCorrectlyInNerdfontFontconfigMode() { local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="nerdfont-fontconfig" # Load Powerlevel9k source functions/icons.zsh assertEquals 'en_US.UTF-8' "${LC_CTYPE}" } function testLcCtypeIsSetCorrectlyInFlatMode() { local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="flat" # Load Powerlevel9k source functions/icons.zsh assertEquals 'en_US.UTF-8' "${LC_CTYPE}" } function testLcCtypeIsSetCorrectlyInCompatibleMode() { local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="compatible" # Load Powerlevel9k source functions/icons.zsh assertEquals 'en_US.UTF-8' "${LC_CTYPE}" } # Go through all icons defined in default mode, and # check if all of them are defined in the other modes. function testAllIconsAreDefinedLikeInDefaultMode() { # Always compare against this mode local _P9K_TEST_MODE="default" local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="${_P9K_TEST_MODE}" source functions/icons.zsh # _ICONS_UNDER_TEST is an array of just the keys of $icons. # We later check via (r) "subscript" flag that our key # is in the values of our flat array. typeset -ah _ICONS_UNDER_TEST _ICONS_UNDER_TEST=(${(k)icons[@]}) # Switch to "awesome-patched" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-patched" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do # Iterate over all keys found in the _ICONS_UNDER_TEST # array and compare it with the icons array of the # current POWERLEVEL9K_MODE. # Use parameter expansion, to directly check if the # key exists in the flat current array of keys. That # is quite complicated, but there seems no easy way # to check the mere existance of a key in an array. # The usual way would always return the value, so that # would do the wrong thing as we have some (on purpose) # empty values. assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "awesome-fontconfig" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-fontconfig" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "nerdfont-fontconfig" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="nerdfont-fontconfig" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "flat" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="flat" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "compatible" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="compatible" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done unset current_icons unset _ICONS_UNDER_TEST } # Go through all icons defined in awesome-patched mode, and # check if all of them are defined in the other modes. function testAllIconsAreDefinedLikeInAwesomePatchedMode() { # Always compare against this mode local _P9K_TEST_MODE="awesome-patched" local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="$_P9K_TEST_MODE" source functions/icons.zsh # _ICONS_UNDER_TEST is an array of just the keys of $icons. # We later check via (r) "subscript" flag that our key # is in the values of our flat array. typeset -ah _ICONS_UNDER_TEST _ICONS_UNDER_TEST=(${(k)icons[@]}) # Switch to "default" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="default" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do # Iterate over all keys found in the _ICONS_UNDER_TEST # array and compare it with the icons array of the # current POWERLEVEL9K_MODE. # Use parameter expansion, to directly check if the # key exists in the flat current array of keys. That # is quite complicated, but there seems no easy way # to check the mere existance of a key in an array. # The usual way would always return the value, so that # would do the wrong thing as we have some (on purpose) # empty values. assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "awesome-fontconfig" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-fontconfig" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "nerdfont-fontconfig" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="nerdfont-fontconfig" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "flat" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="flat" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "compatible" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="compatible" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done unset current_icons unset _ICONS_UNDER_TEST } # Go through all icons defined in awesome-fontconfig mode, and # check if all of them are defined in the other modes. function testAllIconsAreDefinedLikeInAwesomeFontconfigMode() { # Always compare against this mode local _P9K_TEST_MODE="awesome-fontconfig" local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="$_P9K_TEST_MODE" source functions/icons.zsh # _ICONS_UNDER_TEST is an array of just the keys of $icons. # We later check via (r) "subscript" flag that our key # is in the values of our flat array. typeset -ah _ICONS_UNDER_TEST _ICONS_UNDER_TEST=(${(k)icons[@]}) # Switch to "default" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="default" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do # Iterate over all keys found in the _ICONS_UNDER_TEST # array and compare it with the icons array of the # current POWERLEVEL9K_MODE. # Use parameter expansion, to directly check if the # key exists in the flat current array of keys. That # is quite complicated, but there seems no easy way # to check the mere existance of a key in an array. # The usual way would always return the value, so that # would do the wrong thing as we have some (on purpose) # empty values. assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "awesome-patched" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-patched" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "nerdfont-fontconfig" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="nerdfont-fontconfig" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "flat" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="flat" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "compatible" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="compatible" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done unset current_icons unset _ICONS_UNDER_TEST } # Go through all icons defined in nerdfont-fontconfig mode, and # check if all of them are defined in the other modes. function testAllIconsAreDefinedLikeInNerdfontFontconfigMode() { # Always compare against this mode local _P9K_TEST_MODE="nerdfont-fontconfig" local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="$_P9K_TEST_MODE" source functions/icons.zsh # _ICONS_UNDER_TEST is an array of just the keys of $icons. # We later check via (r) "subscript" flag that our key # is in the values of our flat array. typeset -ah _ICONS_UNDER_TEST _ICONS_UNDER_TEST=(${(k)icons[@]}) # Switch to "default" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="default" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do # Iterate over all keys found in the _ICONS_UNDER_TEST # array and compare it with the icons array of the # current POWERLEVEL9K_MODE. # Use parameter expansion, to directly check if the # key exists in the flat current array of keys. That # is quite complicated, but there seems no easy way # to check the mere existance of a key in an array. # The usual way would always return the value, so that # would do the wrong thing as we have some (on purpose) # empty values. assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "awesome-patched" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-patched" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "awesome-fontconfig" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-fontconfig" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "flat" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="flat" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done # Switch to "compatible" mode POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="compatible" source functions/icons.zsh typeset -ah current_icons current_icons=(${(k)icons[@]}) for key in ${_ICONS_UNDER_TEST}; do assertTrue "The key ${key} does exist in ${_P9K_TEST_MODE} mode, but not in ${POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}!" "(( ${+current_icons[(r)$key]} ))" done unset current_icons unset _ICONS_UNDER_TEST } source shunit2/source/2.1/src/shunit2