## v0.3.0 (next) ### Added ability for "joined" segments You can now merge segments together by suffixing the segment name with "_joined". For Developers: Be aware that the order of parameters in left/right_prompt_segment has changed. Now a boolean parameter must be set as second parameter (true if joined). ### `status` changes The `status` segment was split up into three segments. `background_jobs` prints an icon if there are background jobs. `root_indicator` prints an icon if the user is root. The `status` segment focuses now on the status only. ### New segment `custom_command` added A new segment that allows users to define a custom command was added. ### `virtualenv` changes This segment now respects `VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT`. If this variable is set to `true`, the segments does not get rendered. ### `load` changes The `load` segement was split and a new segment `ram` was extracted. This new segment is able to show the free ram and used swap. ### `vcs` changes This prompt uses the `VCS_INFO` subsystem by ZSH. From now on this subsystem is only invoked if a `vcs` segment was configured. ### `rvm` changes This segment now does not invoke RVM directly anymore. Instead, is relys on the circumstance that RVM was invoked beforehand and just reads the environment variables '$GEM_HOME' and '$MY_RUBY_HOME'. It also now displays the used gemset. ### New segment `battery` added A new segment that shows the battery status of your laptop was added. ### New segment `go_version` added This segment shows the GO version. ### New segment `nvm` added This segment shows your NodeJS version by using NVM (and if it is not 'default'). ### New segment `todo` added This segment shows your ToDos from [todo.sh](http://todotxt.com/). ### New segment `rust_version` added This segment shows your local rust version. ## v0.2.0 ### `longstatus` is now `status` The segments got merged together. To show the segment only if an error occurred, set `POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_VERBOSE=false` (this is the same behavior as the old `status` segment. ### Icon overriding mechanism added All icons can now be overridden by setting a variable named by the internal icon name. You can get a full list of icon name by calling `get_icon_names`. ### Same color segements get visual separator This separator can be controlled by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR` or `POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR`. By default this separator is printed in the foreground color. ### `dir` segment has different strategies for truncation Now you can choose between `truncate_middle` or `truncate_from_right` by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY`. Default behavior is unchanged (truncate whole directories). `POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH` can be used to influence how much will be truncated (either direcories or chars). ### New segment `ip` added This segment shows your internal IP address. You can define which interfaces IP will be shown by specifying it via `POWERLEVEL9K_IP_INTERFACE`. ### New segment `load` added This segment shows your computers 5min load average. ### New segment `os_icon` added This segment shows a little indicator which OS you are running. ### New segment `php_version` added This segment shows your PHP version. ### New segment `vi_mode` added This segment gives you a hint in which VI-mode you currently are. This segment requires a proper configured VI-mode. ### Added the ability to have empty left or right prompts By setting the according variable to an empty array, the left or right prompt will be empty. ## v0.1.0 This is the first release