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@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ Here is `powerlevel9k` in action, with [some simple settings](https://github.com
Be sure to also [check out the Wiki](https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k/wiki)!
### Installation
There are two installation steps to go from a lame terminal to a "Power Level
9000" terminal. Once you are done, you can optionally customize your prompt.
There are two installation steps to go from a vanilla terminal to a PL9k
terminal. Once you are done, you can optionally customize your prompt.
The `disk_usage` segment will show the usage level of the partition that your current working directory resides in. It can be configured with the following variables.
| Variable | Default Value | Description |
|POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_ONLY_WARNING|false|Hide the segment except when usage levels have hit warning or critical levels.|
|POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_LEVEL|90|The usage level that triggers a warning state.|
|POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_CRITICAL_LEVEL|95|The usage level that triggers a critical state.|
##### ip
This segment tries to examine all currently used network interfaces and prints
@ -309,6 +333,29 @@ specify the correct network interface by setting:
|`POWERLEVEL9K_IP_INTERFACE`|None|The NIC for which you wish to display the IP address. Example: `eth0`.|
##### public_ip
This segment will display your public IP address. There are several methods of obtaining this
information and by default it will try all of them starting with the most efficient. You can
also specify which method you would like it to use. The methods available are dig using opendns,
curl, or wget. The host used for wget and curl is http://ident.me by default but can be set to
another host if you prefer.
The public_ip segment will attempt to update your public IP address every 5 minutes by default(also
configurable by the user). If you lose connection your cached IP address will be displayed until
your timeout expires at which point every time your prompt is generated a new attempt will be made.
Until an IP is successfully pulled the value of $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_NONE will be displayed for
this segment. If this value is empty(the default)and $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE is empty the
segment will not be displayed.
| Variable | Default Value | Description |
|`POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE`|'/tmp/p8k_public_ip'|This is the file your public IP is cached in.|
|`POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_HOST`|'http://ident.me'|This is the default host to get your public IP.|
|`POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_TIMEOUT`|300|The amount of time in seconds between refreshing your cached IP.|
|`POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_METHOD`|None|You can set this to any of 'dig', 'curl', or 'wget' to only use that method to refresh your IP.|
|`POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_NONE`|None|The string displayed when an IP was not obtained|
##### rbenv
This segment shows the version of Ruby being used when using `rbenv` to change your current Ruby stack.
@ -424,4 +471,7 @@ portion of the wiki to get going.