# vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf-8
# Color functions
# This file holds some color-functions for
# the powerlevel9k-ZSH-theme
# https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k
typeset -gAh __P9K_COLORS
# https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/
# use color names by default to allow dark/light themes to adjust colors based on names
black 000
maroon 001
green 002
olive 003
navy 004
purple 005
teal 006
silver 007
grey 008
red 009
lime 010
yellow 011
blue 012
fuchsia 013
magenta 013
aqua 014
cyan 014
white 015
grey0 016
navyblue 017
darkblue 018
blue3 019
blue3 020
blue1 021
darkgreen 022
deepskyblue4 023
deepskyblue4 024
deepskyblue4 025
dodgerblue3 026
dodgerblue2 027
green4 028
springgreen4 029
turquoise4 030
deepskyblue3 031
deepskyblue3 032
dodgerblue1 033
green3 034
springgreen3 035
darkcyan 036
lightseagreen 037
deepskyblue2 038
deepskyblue1 039
green3 040
springgreen3 041
springgreen2 042
cyan3 043
darkturquoise 044
turquoise2 045
green1 046
springgreen2 047
springgreen1 048
mediumspringgreen 049
cyan2 050
cyan1 051
darkred 052
deeppink4 053
purple4 054
purple4 055
purple3 056
blueviolet 057
orange4 058
grey37 059
mediumpurple4 060
slateblue3 061
slateblue3 062
royalblue1 063
chartreuse4 064
darkseagreen4 065
paleturquoise4 066
steelblue 067
steelblue3 068
cornflowerblue 069
chartreuse3 070
darkseagreen4 071
cadetblue 072
cadetblue 073
skyblue3 074
steelblue1 075
chartreuse3 076
palegreen3 077
seagreen3 078
aquamarine3 079
mediumturquoise 080
steelblue1 081
chartreuse2 082
seagreen2 083
seagreen1 084
seagreen1 085
aquamarine1 086
darkslategray2 087
darkred 088
deeppink4 089
darkmagenta 090
darkmagenta 091
darkviolet 092
purple 093
orange4 094
lightpink4 095
plum4 096
mediumpurple3 097
mediumpurple3 098
slateblue1 099
yellow4 100
wheat4 101
grey53 102
lightslategrey 103
mediumpurple 104
lightslateblue 105
yellow4 106
darkolivegreen3 107
darkseagreen 108
lightskyblue3 109
lightskyblue3 110
skyblue2 111
chartreuse2 112
darkolivegreen3 113
palegreen3 114
darkseagreen3 115
darkslategray3 116
skyblue1 117
chartreuse1 118
lightgreen 119
lightgreen 120
palegreen1 121
aquamarine1 122
darkslategray1 123
red3 124
deeppink4 125
mediumvioletred 126
magenta3 127
darkviolet 128
purple 129
darkorange3 130
indianred 131
hotpink3 132
mediumorchid3 133
mediumorchid 134
mediumpurple2 135
darkgoldenrod 136
lightsalmon3 137
rosybrown 138
grey63 139
mediumpurple2 140
mediumpurple1 141
gold3 142
darkkhaki 143
navajowhite3 144
grey69 145
lightsteelblue3 146
lightsteelblue 147
yellow3 148
darkolivegreen3 149
darkseagreen3 150
darkseagreen2 151
lightcyan3 152
lightskyblue1 153
greenyellow 154
darkolivegreen2 155
palegreen1 156
darkseagreen2 157
darkseagreen1 158
paleturquoise1 159
red3 160
deeppink3 161
deeppink3 162
magenta3 163
magenta3 164
magenta2 165
darkorange3 166
indianred 167
hotpink3 168
hotpink2 169
orchid 170
mediumorchid1 171
orange3 172
lightsalmon3 173
lightpink3 174
pink3 175
plum3 176
violet 177
gold3 178
lightgoldenrod3 179
tan 180
mistyrose3 181
thistle3 182
plum2 183
yellow3 184
khaki3 185
lightgoldenrod2 186
lightyellow3 187
grey84 188
lightsteelblue1 189
yellow2 190
darkolivegreen1 191
darkolivegreen1 192
darkseagreen1 193
honeydew2 194
lightcyan1 195
red1 196
deeppink2 197
deeppink1 198
deeppink1 199
magenta2 200
magenta1 201
orangered1 202
indianred1 203
indianred1 204
hotpink 205
hotpink 206
mediumorchid1 207
darkorange 208
salmon1 209
lightcoral 210
palevioletred1 211
orchid2 212
orchid1 213
orange1 214
sandybrown 215
lightsalmon1 216
lightpink1 217
pink1 218
plum1 219
gold1 220
lightgoldenrod2 221
lightgoldenrod2 222
navajowhite1 223
mistyrose1 224
thistle1 225
yellow1 226
lightgoldenrod1 227
khaki1 228
wheat1 229
cornsilk1 230
grey100 231
grey3 232
grey7 233
grey11 234
grey15 235
grey19 236
grey23 237
grey27 238
grey30 239
grey35 240
grey39 241
grey42 242
grey46 243
grey50 244
grey54 245
grey58 246
grey62 247
grey66 248
grey70 249
grey74 250
grey78 251
grey82 252
grey85 253
grey89 254
grey93 255
function termColors() {
if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_IGNORE_TERM_COLORS == true ]]; then
local term_colors
if which tput &>/dev/null; then
term_colors=$(tput colors)
term_colors=$(echotc Co)
if (( ! $? && ${term_colors:-0} < 256 )); then
print -P "%F{red}WARNING!%f Your terminal appears to support fewer than 256 colors!"
print -P "If your terminal supports 256 colors, please export the appropriate environment variable"
print -P "_before_ loading this theme in your \~\/.zshrc. In most terminal emulators, putting"
print -P "%F{blue}export TERM=\"xterm-256color\"%f at the top of your \~\/.zshrc is sufficient."
# get the proper color code if it does not exist as a name.
function getColor() {
# If Color is not numerical, try to get the color code.
if [[ "$1" != <-> ]]; then
1=$(getColorCode $1)
echo -n "$1"
# empty paramenter resets (stops) background color
function backgroundColor() {
echo -n "%K{$(getColor $1)}"
# empty paramenter resets (stops) foreground color
function foregroundColor() {
echo -n "%F{$(getColor $1)}"
# Get numerical color codes. That way we translate ANSI codes
# into ZSH-Style color codes.
function getColorCode() {
# Early exit: Check if given value is already numerical
if [[ "$1" == <-> ]]; then
# Pad color with zeroes
echo -n "${(l:3::0:)1}"
local colorName="${1}"
# for testing purposes in terminal
if [[ "${colorName}" == "foreground" ]]; then
# call via `getColorCode foreground`
for i in "${(k@)__P9K_COLORS}"; do
print -P "$(foregroundColor $i)$(getColor $i) - $i%f"
elif [[ "${colorName}" == "background" ]]; then
# call via `getColorCode background`
for i in "${(k@)__P9K_COLORS}"; do
print -P "$(backgroundColor $i)$(getColor $i) - $i%k"
# Strip eventual "bg-" prefixes
# Strip eventual "fg-" prefixes
# Strip eventual "br" prefixes ("bright" colors)
echo -n $__P9K_COLORS[$colorName]
# Check if two colors are equal, even if one is specified as ANSI code.
function isSameColor() {
if [[ "$1" == "NONE" || "$2" == "NONE" ]]; then
return 1
local color1=$(getColorCode "$1")
local color2=$(getColorCode "$2")
return $(( color1 != color2 ))