# Check Free Space PS Script Check Free Space is a PowerShell script that allows AD Admins to check the used/max HDD space on all drives on a remote PC on the domain.
## Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements: - PowerShell with the [ActiveDirectory](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/activedirectory/?view=windowsserver2022-ps) module installed (Windows only). - Proper permissions granted by your Admin.
### Using Check Free Space To use Check Free Space, follow these steps: 1. Place the `check-free-space` folder at a location of your choosing 2. Open the script in a notepad program 3. Replace $hostname with the hostname of the target PC 4. Save the file 5. Run the script in PowerShell 6. The results will be printed out in the terminal
### Notes Moving forward, future PowerShell versions no longer support Get-WmiObject. So if all of a sudden you see the error message like “RPC Server is unavailable”, it’s probably time to switch over to Get-CimInstance instead. The parameters are the same for Win32_LogicalDisk. Simply replace Get-WmiObject with Get-CimInstance and you are good to go.