login: tacksupport

login: tacksupport
Photo by Alex Diaz / Unsplash

Every endeavor has a beginning, every book a first sentence, and every operating system an installation. Such is this for my little venture in an online presence.

A little about me: born in the Pacific Northwest, currently live in the South in my mid 30's; started with a career in culinary arts, then telecommunications, and now IT. I have delusions of systems engineering and maintain a homelab that I will inevitably go into in future posts.

The idea behind this blog is to be a portfolio of my hobbies and accomplishments in tech. Some may be in the paid professional realm, others in the hobbiest homelab. Although, can you say it's entirely hobbiest when the portfolio itself is hosted on a highly available Proxmox cluster living on a server rack in the closet behind where I currently sit?

Now, I'm not going to sit here and promise you a particular cadence of posts and content. But I will update the blog when I have something I feel needs to be shared, something neat I learned or accomplished. I am a firm believer that we are all responsible for the knowledge we have. And knowledge being power, sharing what you know elevates us all.

I will say that the first series of posts will be a breakdown of this website, tacksupport.net. A brief overview of the infrastructure behind it, and then more in depth on the various software and services that the website is comprised of.

That is all for now, thank you for reading. Subscribe, hit that bell, do the hokey pokey. Or don't. I'd rather share my knowledge with the void then not at all.
